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What is coaching?


Coaching is an intentional conversation about a topic you would like to explore, a problem you would like to address, a goal you would like to reach, or a dream you would like to make reality. A coach asks powerful questions, and may sometimes offer resources, to help you gain clarity, identify barriers, create a plan, and move forward. Coaching is focused on where you are now and where you would like to go. Lessons learned in the past may serve as helpful resources for the future, but coaching conversations do not generally “dig in” to the past.



When should I reach out to Meaning Works for coaching?


  1. You desire closer alignment of your personal and professional priorities.

  2. You wish to grow your leadership and/or patient care skills in the areas of communication, narrative, and empathy.

  3. You want to build a resilient foundation on which you can pivot as needed, especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

  4. You sense a nudge to make a change and are unsure how to begin.

  5. You need to choose your next steps following a change you did not anticipate.


What will happen once I contact Meaning Works?


  1. Joanne will reach out via phone or email to learn more about your interest in and goals for coaching.


   2. With mutual agreement, Joanne will create a Coaching Agreement which will outline goals and services, duration, and cost.


General Fee Information:

  • Leadership Coaching Packages - priced according to services provided

  • Life Coaching Packages - priced according to services provided

  • Individual Session (60 minutes) - $150

  • Individual Session (30 minutes) - $80

  • “Holding the Narrative Thread” Group Sessions (30-90 minutes) - Priced by program (If cost is a barrier, please reach out via the Contact Form.)


  3. Coaching conversations will be scheduled on the phone or via Zoom, at a mutually agreed upon time.

  • Early morning and/or evening hours are available. Sessions are scheduled according to Eastern Standard/Daylight Time.


  4. Coaching will begin! Each session will start with time to check-in and orient the conversation to what is most important in the moment and for          your overall goal. Each session will end with you clear about your “next best step.”

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